Holby Wiki - Casualty and Holby City
Holby Wiki - Casualty and Holby City


Images are used on wikis to illustrate articles.


Screenshots are still images that are taken from Casualty, Holby City and HolbyBlue episodes. They should be used for in-universe articles (e.g. characters, locations, events, etc.) and episode articles.

Uploading screenshots to the wiki is permitted as long as:

  • they carry the screenshot licence. You can include one by selecting the "BBC screenshot" option on the Licensing dropdown menu. If you accidentally forgot to add one, please add {{screenshot}} to the image's description immediately.
  • they are not duplicates of already-existing images. If you're replacing a low-quality image, that's fine, but the new image must have the same name as its predecessor. This also extends to screenshots that originate from the same shot as another.
  • they do not contain any watermarks or burned-in subtitles. However, TV channel DOGs (digitally originated graphics) are excluded from this rule as they are unavoidable in some specific cases. For example, any HD screenshot of series 26 of Casualty will carry a "BBC One HD" DOG, and most high-quality screenshots of early Casualty and Holby City episodes will most likely possess a "Drama" or "UKTV GOLD" DOG. However, you should generally avoid uploading images with the BBC logo watermark from BBC iPlayer unless no better alternatives exist.
  • they have not been excessively altered. If the content of a screenshot cannot be discerned as a thumbnail due to poor lighting, it can be manipulated slightly to increase its visibility. Of course, this is about as far as this rule extends. Photoshopping characters into new images, for example, is not alright.