Holby Wiki - Casualty and Holby City
Holby Wiki - Casualty and Holby City

Rashid "Rash" Masum (born 1994) is a clinical fellow who works in the Emergency Department of Holby City Hospital. He joined the department in 2017 as an F1. He is the son of Madia and Ashok Masum, and the cousin of fellow ED trainee Tariq Hussein.

Rash started his F1 rotation in the Emergency Department as a bag of nerves and found the idea of helming resus daunting and nausea-inducing. Through mentors like Alicia Munroe and David Hide, new-found friends like Bea Kinsella and his fledging relationship with Gem Dean, Rash eventually found his confidence and prospects improve, and he left Holby to go travelling feeling optimistic.

A series of tragedies soon befell the F1. His mother's sudden death cut Rash's travels short and forced him to start his F2 year prematurely, resulting in his relationship with Gem disintegrating. Rash found himself with inadequate support at work and was left to deal with the discovery of the body of his younger colleague and rival Mason Reede in a department store cupboard mostly on his own.

The advent of the COVID-19 pandemic ground Rash's career progression to a halt, and this delay was soon worsened by his father Ashok's diagnosis of vascular dementia. Rash sought the best treatment and accommodation possible for Ashok, but circumstances led to him keeping him at home and relying on the help of his colleague Rida Amaan. One day, Ashok left the house unattended and was killed by a bus. His father's death had a profound impact on Rash, instigating his descent into depression. His despair was compounded by false accusations of whistleblowing from the ED's new clinical lead Patrick Onley. Overwhelmed by it all, Rash tried to kill himself but was found and saved by his cousin Tariq.


Early life[]

As a child, Rash became good friends with Jamila Vani. (CAS: Episode 1099)

Rash attended Crandscombe Grammar School where he pursued an interest in running competitively. During sixth form, Rash was coached by Adil Saifi, and the former qualified for the national 400-metre sprint championship in 2011. However, Rash felt that his training was negatively affecting his day-to-day life and did not feel comfortable competing. The night before his final training session with Adil, Rash attended a party hosted by a girl who allegedly fancied him, and got drunk. The following morning, a hungover and tired Rash injured his knee which left him unable to run; he never trained again. (CAS: Episode 1201)

During his time in medical school, Rash met Bea Kinsella. She later started working with him in Holby in February 2018. (CAS: Episode 1070)

Joining the Emergency Department[]

Rash joined the Holby City Hospital's Emergency Department in November 2017 as an F1. On his first day, his mother Madia nearly ran over Connie as she came into work on her motorbike. He was mentored by registrar Lily Chao and accompanied her to the site of a car crash. Eager to get stuck in, he accidentally barged Iain and made him cut his wrist on shards of glass. After being called into Connie's office to discuss the incident involving Iain, Rash felt sick and ran to the toilets. Inside, David told him that he should ease himself in slowly. His reputation began to improve when he helped an embarrassed patient open up about the cause of his injuries, and Lily later gave him a few words of encouragement. At the end of the shift, he joined his colleagues in The Hope & Anchor to help Iain convince Lily, who had applied for a research post in Hong Kong, to stay in Holby. The plan failed and Lily left shortly after. (CAS: Episode 1059) Later that month, Alicia took over as his mentor. When she reprimanded him for nearly giving a patient the wrong fluids, he felt sick again and questioned his competency as a doctor. However, after a few unorthodox lessons from David, his confidence in his own abilities was restored. (CAS: Episode 1060)

In December, Rash's ex-girlfriend Jessie was admitted to the ED after a fall, who was still resentful about their break-up. She was reluctant to talk about her accident and, when Rash asked if she had taken anything, she took umbrage and asked for another doctor. However, after Rash told her that he was cheating on another woman with her, she admitted that she had been buying beta-blockers on the internet to treat her anxiety. She agreed to speak to a professional about her mental health, but she discharged herself as Rash made a call. Shortly after, she collapsed outside the department after taking more beta-blockers and was taken into resus. Feeling guilty for allowing her to leave, Alicia and David told him that his actions saved her life. He later visited her on ITU and confessed that he ran away from her because he lost his nerve. The two bade farewell to each other on good terms. (CAS: Episode 1064)

In February 2018, Rash was happy to see Bea Kinsella when she started working at the ED as an F1. However, she soon started to offload all of her 'uninteresting' patients onto him. Later, Rash ran out of resus and vomited after his patient's surgical wound opened. Outside, Bea bragged to him about reinserting the patient's intestines, which offended their relatives. They immediately apologised. (CAS: Episode 1070) The following week, Rash confronted Bea after she stood a girl up and accidentally disclosed his virginity to her. (CAS: Episode 1071)

Meeting Gemma[]

In March, Rash learned that Gem, the hospital's new porter, previously ran over a doctor. When he left his wallet lying around and found Gem looking through to find out who it belonged to, Rash accused her of trying to steal it. Feeling unfairly treated, Gem worked with the department's ancillary staff to get revenge by pitting Rash against an intimidating patient. Rash realised what was happening and tricked Gem into thinking that she killed a patient. They subsequently came to an understanding and called a truce. (CAS: Episode 1074)

The following week, Rash was placed in resus, but he immediately lost his nerve and began to question his decision to become a doctor. In HDC, he treated a young boy whose mother was struggling financially. Later, he found her unconscious and she was taken into resus. After some encouragement from her son, he took control of her treatment and successfully resuscitated her. Meanwhile, upon reading the notes of patients that were mentioned in the 'Rage in Resus' blog, Ethan concluded that Rash was the blogger and called him to his office. However, Alicia decided to come clean and took the blame. (CAS: Episode 1075)


Rash comforting Gem after she was held hostage. (CAS: Episode 1076)

Later that month, Rash treated a violent prisoner named Jack with a knife embedded in his thigh. After provoking him and getting kneed in the face, he asked Dylan to take over treating him. Gem told him that she believed that Jack was being abused by the prison guard that was electrocuted, but the guard claimed that he was trying to stop Jack from hurting himself. Rash contacted the hospice Jack called earlier that day and learned that he was talking to his uncle. He soon realised that Jack had taken Gem hostage and raced to the hospital carpark to stop him. As Jack held Gem at knifepoint, Rash broke the news that his uncle had just died. Devastated, he let Gem go and was apprehended by police. After cleaning Gem up in cubicles, he was thrilled when she said that he impressed her. (CAS: Episode 1076)

In April, Rash became concerned about Bea when he found her taking caffeine pills to help her stay awake during her shift. He later witnessed Ethan berate her for missing a life-threatening injury. (CAS: Episode 1080) The following morning, Rash ended up treating her after she fell over drunk in an alley. She handed in her resignation later that day and fled the hospital. (CAS: Episode 1081) Later that month, Rash agreed to have lunch with Gem, but Connie called him into her office to carry out some research for her. He tried to make it up to her by offering to accompany her to Alicia's housewarming party, but she told him not to come. (CAS: Episode 1082)

In May, Bea returned to the ED, and Rash was surprised to learn that his patient Dougie was her father. When she believed that he had been drinking whilst taking disulfiram and left the hospital out of anger, Rash tracked her down once he concluded that Dougie's illness was caused by an adverse reaction to antibiotics. Rash comforted her when she felt awful for not being able to diagnose her own father, and he tried to persuade her to continue working at the ED when she confirmed her resignation. She later decided to withdraw it. (CAS: Episode 1083)


Rash and Gem upon finding Mrs B dead. (CAS: Episode 1087)

In June, Connie tasked Rash and Gem with looking after her pet goldfish Mrs B. Later, they panicked when they found her dead in her tank and decided to replace her with a new fish. However, they returned to find that Noel had already bought a new fish. After they questioned him, he cracked and admitted that he accidentally spilt coffee into the water. (CAS: Episode 1087) Later that week, Connie returned to the ED and instantly noticed that Mrs B had been replaced and decided to wait for the culprits to reveal themselves. He, Gem and Noel eventually cracked under the pressure and confessed their involvement in Mrs B's death, prompting Connie to remind them of the importance of complete transparency. (CAS: Episode 1088) In July, Rash plucked up the courage to ask Gem out for a drink and was delighted when she said yes and gave him a kiss. (CAS: Episode 1090)

Following Sam's death, (CAS: Episode 1093) Rash visited Iain at the ambulance station after Gem voiced her concerns about him. Iain insisted that he was fine, but Rash begged to differ and told him that he should speak to someone about his feelings. Later, Gem found out about their conversation and thanked Rash by kissing him and calling him her boyfriend. (CAS: Episode 1094) In August, Rash's parents decided to spend a few nights away, and he asked Gem if he wanted to come over for dinner in their absence. At his house, she began to unbutton his shirt until Madia unexpectedly returned. Rash apologised to Gem, but she told him not to worry and reminded him that they could be more intimate once she found a place for themselves. (CAS: Episode 1095)

Reuniting with Jamila[]

In September, Rash was surprised to learn that his childhood friend Jamila was working at Holby City Hospital as a consultant anaesthetist. After hearing that Gem was his girlfriend, she made a sarcastic remark towards him about his mother's pride in him. Regardless, he accompanied Gem to her new room at Alicia's house, and they were disappointed at its small size. (CAS: Episode 1099) In October, Ruby agreed to swap rooms with Gem, and the latter invited Rash over. However, as they prepared to have sex, Rash lost his nerve and vomited. When he couldn't admit that he wasn't ready, she broke up with him. (CAS: Episode 1100)

The following week, Rash struggled to concentrate in resus. Gem agreed to hear him out, but, when he claimed that it was him that was the problem, she refused to believe him. Jamila invited him to the hospital's medic's ball as her plus-one, but he declined the offer to focus on making amends with Gem. However, after some encouragement from his mother and Connie, he decided to accept the invite. Later, Gem gave him a second chance to explain himself, but, once he mentioned that he was going to the ball with Jamila, she concluded that they were not meant for each other. (CAS: Episode 1101)


Rash and Gem sharing a kiss before the ball. (CAS: Episode 1103)

Later that month, on the day of the ball, Ethan and Alicia noticed Gem's dismay and decided to try to get her back together with Rash. After Alicia agreed to give her ticket to Gem, they locked her and Rash in a cupboard so they could make amends. However, Jamila soon burst in, and Rash accidentally spilt coffee on Gem's shirt. Later, Rash and Jamila made their way to the event, but Rash decided that he wanted to be with Gem and tried to find her. He soon found her in a restaurant and told her that Jamila didn't him feel the way she did. They shared a kiss, and Rash admitted that he vomited because he was nervous about losing his virginity. Gem told him that she had a cure for it, and they went to the ball together. (CAS: Episode 1103)

On the night of Christmas Eve, Rash told Gem that he was going to spend Christmas with his family, and she assured him that she didn't mind. Rash treated a patient named Laurie whose symptoms suggested that he was having a heart attack. Gem became suspicious of him and an agency nurse named Amy and voiced her concerns to Rash. Later, Laurie admitted that he had been faking his symptoms. Later that night, Gem found out that Amy worked at a care home facing closure, and, when a rapid infuser went missing, she, Rash and Noel concluded that Amy and Laurie had stolen it and went searching for them. They were soon found, and the equipment was returned. At the end of their shift, Rash told Gem that he wanted to spend Christmas with her, and they shared a kiss underneath the mistletoe. (CAS: Episode 1109)

Choosing between training and travelling[]

In February 2019, Rash was torn between pursuing paediatrics or cardiology as his speciality and decided to consult Connie and Gem. Whilst Connie told him to trust his instincts and not filter his decision through other people, Gem suggested picking the field which made his heart beat the fastest. That afternoon, Rash gave Gem a passport application form and told her that he wanted to go travelling with her first before going into several years of training. (CAS: Episode 1115)

In March, Rash comforted Gem after Ruby found Iain unresponsive in his house. However, when he didn't back up her objections once Ruby returned with proof that Iain had deliberately taken an overdose, she stormed out of resus and told Rash that he would be responsible if Iain died. (CAS: Episode 1118) After the hospital's infrastructure software was compromised by a computer virus, and Connie, David, Iain and Fletch were left trapped in the lift, Rash, Gem and Marty managed to free them. (HC: "Powerless") Later that week, Gem snapped at Rash for asking her if she was alright. Later, he told her that he booked a table for them at a fancy restaurant, but she berated him and told him that she didn't want to see him. That evening, Elle told Rash that what was going on with Gem was strictly between her and Iain, and she encouraged him to join her and the rest of the team for a drink. (CAS: Episode 1119) By April, Rash received his and Gem's passports, but he decided against telling her due to her prioritising Iain's recovery. After helping Dylan treat a patient with a tapeworm infection, Rash decided to apply for the hospital's F2 position. (CAS: Episode 1122)

Later that month, Rash was torn between travelling to Vietnam and staying in Holby to commence his second year of medical training, so he consulted Dylan for his opinion. However, they were interrupted by the arrival of Madia, who was being taken into resus after experiencing severe chest pains. Rash was determined to help his mother, but he was forced to wait in the relatives' room. Eager to continue working, against the advice of his colleagues, he decided to take on the case of a lawyer named Mina who had sustained a head injury following a fall. Once Madia was taken into a cubicle, Rash visited her, and she told him that she was experiencing angina. He tried to call his father, but she stopped him and insisting on talking to him herself.

Mina started to become aggressive and started to resist treatment, prompting David to call Rash back into resus. It transpired that Mina's bag was filled with prescription painkillers, leading Rash to believe that she was experiencing symptoms of withdrawal. He asked her if she continued to purchase co-codamol after a skiing incident, and she admitted to it. She started to open up to him about her addiction and explained that she had recently stopped so she could adopt a child.

In cubicles, suspicious of Madia's behaviour, Rash searched through her bag whilst Gem offered her a plate of biscuits, and he was shocked to find the holiday items he had locked away under his bed, including Gem's passport. In the corridor, Rash explained to Gem that, despite agreeing to postpone their trip, he wanted to experience freedom before starting his F2 training. She encouraged him to go on his own, but he decided to get back to work. Outside the department, Rash spotted Mina leaving and warned her that she was killing herself by not seeking help for her addiction. She insisted on returning to court to help her clients, but he pointed out that they needed her to be fit and healthy. She chose to accept treatment and went back inside.


Rash smiles after nearly getting hit by an ambulance. (CAS: Episode 1124)

As Rash went to visit Madia again, Dylan notified Rash that he had put in a request to oversee him during his F2 training, but Rash told him that he was not signing as he was planning on going travelling. Preparing for an argument, he tried to justify his decision to Madia, but she stopped him and told him that his father had given him his Air Miles. With Gem's encouragement, Rash made his decision final, and the three shared a hug. Outside the department, Rash and Gem shared one final kiss, and Elle informed him that Mina had accepted help for her addiction. As he turned around to leave, he narrowly missed getting hit by an ambulance. Rash smiled as his colleagues looked on stupefied, and he left the department. (CAS: Episode 1124) On 27 July, Iain transferred money into Gem's bank account and allowed her to meet Rash in Thailand. (CAS: Episode 1138)

Madia's death[]

In August, Rash received the news that Madia was dying and immediately flew back to Holby to be with her; he was the last person she saw before she died. On 17 August, he and his father Ashok attended her funeral, but, when news spread that there had been a suspected terror attack at Holby Market, Rash insisted on helping out at the ED. There, he helped take Diane - an elderly woman - to the lift, and she told him that she had sent him off to the market on a pointless errand; fortunately, he had gone to the bookies instead. She sympathised with him, as a Muslim, having "atrocities committed in [his] name" and urged him not to "let them get [him] down".

As casualties from the terror attack were taken into the department, Iain introduced Rash to a young boy named Zinedin whose father was missing at the market. As English was not his first language, Rash struggled to communicate with him, but he instead wrote his father's phone number on Rash's arm. Rash failed to contact the father, and Noel decided to take Zinedin to wait in the staff room with David's son Ollie. Once his father was found and stabilised, Rash took Zinedin to visit him in resus, and Zinedin wrote "thank you" on his hand in Arabic. Upon seeing him holding his father's hand, Rash asked to be excused, and Charlie assured him that Madia would have been proud of his work.


Rash calls his father for his room back. (CAS: Episode 1139)

On the general ward, Rash went to visit Diane to retrieve her transfer papers, but he was devastated to learn that she had arrested and died. Overwhelmed with grief, he sobbed by her bedside. On his way out of the hospital, Dylan informed him that there was a clinical fellowship position that required filling, but Rash reminded him that Gem was waiting for him thousands of miles away. Nevertheless, Dylan offered his condolences and told him that it was good to have him back. Rash took the bus home and was watched by the other passengers who feared that he was a terrorist. He called Ashok and asked if they could sit with Madia; he also asked if he could have his old room back. (CAS: Episode 1139)

Working with Mason[]

The following week, Ashok was still struggling to cope with Madia's death, so Rash agreed to delay his return to work. He informed Dylan of his decision outside the department, but a woman named Hollie approached him with his ill infant daughter Evie. He directed her towards triage, but she insisted that she was "not the type to worry for no reason". As Rash accessed Evie's condition, Robyn left the ED's new F1 Mason Reede with him. After noticing signs of intercostal recessions and evaluating her obs, he concluded that she was displaying with markers of sepsis and quickly decided to take her to resus. Her chest X-ray showed the presence of an empyema, and, when she failed to respond to fluids and inotropic support, the medical team decided to transfer Evie to PICU. However, on the way, she began to deteriorate, forcing them to return to resus.

Shortly after, Dylan informed Hollie that Evie's organs were shutting down because of the infection, and she was being moved to PICU where she would be more "peaceful". He instructed Rash and Mason to remain with Hollie until she decided to accompany her daughter on the ward, but, as Rash tried to console her, he noticed Ashok outside and left Mason with her. In the relatives room, Rash scolded his father for appearing at his workplace and contended that he could sort through Madia's belongings independently, but Ashok asserted that they could have gone through them together. Rash then promised that he would be at home the following day and assured him that they would be okay; Ashok apologised and encouraged him to return to his case.


"We'll be okay, won't we?" (CAS: Episode 1140)

By the time Rash returned to Hollie, she had panicked and demanded to know where Evie was, and he followed her out of the hospital after she realised that her top was soaked with breastmilk. She accused him and his colleagues of lying to her about Evie's condition, but Rash claimed that they did not want her to have false hope and suggested that she might one day find peace in the fact that she had the chance to say goodbye to her. He subsequently led her to PICU and watched with sadness as Evie passed away in her arms. In the staff room, Rash assured Mason that, despite his mistakes, he was only at the ED to learn, and, as junior doctors, they needed to stick together. Nevertheless, Mason reported Rash to Dylan for leaving him alone with Hollie and dubiously claimed that he had been left alone for half an hour. At home, Rash was surprised when Ashok presented him with a bike that he had bought for him with the remainder of the state pension, and the two reassured each other that they would be okay. (CAS: Episode 1140)

On 1 September, Rash and Mason treated Sharmella Wilson, a woman who was complaining of intermittent head and neck pain, and nausea. Mason bet £10 that she was merely experiencing a hangover; when Rash refused to join in, he offered to bet his car against his bike. Her test results showed mild dehydration and hypotension, and Mason suggested that he give her "an egg butty, some painkillers and call her a cab", but Rash opposed his "cavalier" attitude and posited that her symptoms could point to a potential thunderclap occipital headache - a red flag for a subarachnoid haemorrhage. Mason disagreed and, given Rash's unwavering stance, proposed that he reconsider their wager. Rash branded him as "unprofessional", but, with Mason and Jacob's encouragement, he acquiesced.

Later, Dylan reprimanded Rash and Mason for wasting hospital resources on diagnosing Sharmella, and Mason asserted that he told Rash several times that her symptoms were alcohol-related. Rash insisted that he could only rule out a subarachnoid haemorrhage with a CT scan, and Dylan instructed him to discharge her. He confronted her about her routinely using the ED to treat her hangovers and contended that she was wasting NHS resources, but she argued that she was entitled to whatever she wanted on account of her father being a taxpayer and took a photograph of him. Following their shifts, Mason approached Rash for the key to the bike lock at The Hope & Anchor, and he reluctantly agreed. (CAS: Episode 1142)

The subsequent week, Rash and Mason treated a woman named Hailey who was presenting with a dislocated shoulder and dehydration. Mason presented Rash with an X-ray confirming that her shoulder dislocated, and he hastily instructed him to get her prepped. Rash then asked Iain if Gem had contacted him recently, and he was devastated to hear that she was not planning on returning to Holby any time soon and did not want him to wait for her. In resus 3, Rash guided Mason through relocating Hailey's shoulder and successfully performed the procedure, but she immediately started screaming in agony. Dylan reviewed the X-ray, and he highlighted a fracture to the neck of the humerus. In the staff room, he confronted Rash and Mason about the incident, and Mason suggested that Rash had been distracted by Gem breaking up with him. Rash insisted that it was not a factor in what happened and claimed to have not seen the fracture on the X-ray, but Dylan warned them that Hailey would likely make a complaint.


Rash is heartbroken to lose contact with Gem. (CAS: Episode 1143)

After being handed her abdominal X-ray, Rash rushed outside to retrieve Hailey who had just discharged herself and urged her to come back inside. Once her CT scan results came back, he tried to find Dylan, but Hailey's boyfriend Craig asserted that he owed it to her to tell her the results himself. Rash informed her that she would likely be admitted to general surgery with oncological input, but Dylan caught and reprimanded him for speaking to her against his orders. Later, Ethan questioned Rash about how he could have missed the fracture, and an agitated Rash stated that it was not his job to supervise Mason. Ethan then warned him that, if he continued to make similar mistakes, he would struggle to write him a reference for him to move up to CT1 the following year. Rash subsequently attempted to call Gem, but he was disheartened to be told that her number was not in service. (CAS: Episode 1143)

On 14 September, Rash was keen to make up for his mistakes and took on completing Mason's core training competency report. While Mason treated a man named Joe who had collapsed at the gym, Rash noticed that Mason had missed Joe's hypokalaemia and Russell's sign and concluded that Joe's hypokalaemia was the result of self-induced vomiting. When Mason was puzzled by Joe's condition, Rash was forced to take over his treatment, impressing Ethan who wanted to see Rash take the initiative. Later, Mason accused Rash of trying to embarrass him. (CAS: Episode 1144)

On 24 September, Rash approached Mason about the number of tests he had ordered for a patient with chest pains and bronchitis named Millie Faulkner and asked if her full blood count and D-dimer came back clear; Mason asserted that all of her tests were clear. Two days later, Millie was readmitted and suffered a fatal pulmonary embolism. Rash reviewed Millie's notes and found no sign of a D-dimer test from the day of her first admission. He confronted Mason the following day, and Mason eventually admitted his mistake and promised to explain what happened to Ethan at his mid-attachment meeting. However, he neglected to do so and dismissed Rash's comments as "professional jealousy". (CAS: Episode 1145)

On 19 October, while treating a woman named Leena, Mason mistakenly presented Rash with an X-ray from June 2018, leading Rash to realise that Mason had made the same mistake with Hailey Dougan in September. Rash confronted Mason about his dishonesty and accused him of jeopardising his reference for the CT1 position. However, after they correctly diagnosed Leena with Meniere's disease, Rash decided to give Mason one last chance, and Mason returned Rash's bike. (CAS: Episode 1147)

The following week, Rash was forced to take Ethan's place in resus, causing him to miss a meeting with his education supervisor. Later. Ethan took issue with Rash answering calls from Ashok about the loss of Madia's death certificate and issues with her bank accounts. After Rash's patient Mickey Pratchett nearly died of a pulmonary embolism, Ethan questioned Rash's competency and warned him that he would not sign him off for his CT1 placement if he found out that he had been negligent. Later that day, when Ethan confronted Rash again, Rash criticised him for offloading his workload onto him and leaving him to supervise Mason. When Ethan told him that he needed to move from the grief of losing his mother, Rash punched him in the face. (CAS: Episode 1148)

After Rash attended a conflict resolution course, (CAS: Episode 1149) Dylan issued him with a final warning. Later that day, Dylan was satisfied when Rash and Mason successfully treated a man named Aidan Durrell who had an acoustic neuroma. (CAS: Episode 1150)

On 30 November, Rash and Mason treated a boxer named Ambi presenting with nausea and stomach pains; Mason suggested ordering a CT scan of her abdomen, but Rash did not want to be punished for wasting resources. However, after Mason noticed hyperpigmentation around Ambi's lips, he believed that she had Peutz-Jeghers syndrome and followed her to the boxing match after she left the ED; Rash was irritated by Mason's lack of respect towards teamwork and was aggrieved at him taking all the credit for the PJS diagnosis. (CAS: Episode 1152)

Mason's death[]


Rash finds Mason in a store cupboard and tries to save him. (CAS: Episode 1155)

On 28 December, Rash found Mason unresponsive in a store cupboard and attempted to resuscitate him. However, Will and David realised that Mason had been dead for hours and told Rash to stop. After being questioned by on-call manager Marina Kovac, Rash confronted Ethan about him constantly dumping Mason onto him and being "completely absent". Later, Mason's mother Angela asked to speak to Rash and thanked him for trying to help Mason. (CAS: Episode 1155)

Following Mason's death, Rash struggled to shirk the image of Mason's body from his mind, (CAS: Episode 1162) and his trauma risk assessment noted that he was frequently calling in sick and leaving work early. (CAS: Episode 1156) On 15 February 2020, Ethan returned from a volunteer programme in Costa Rica, but Rash was still angry with him about his treatment of Mason. However, Ethan later apologised to Rash for not being there for him, and Rash apologised for his hostility towards him. (CAS: Episode 1162)

Connie's mentorship[]

On 14 March, following the departure of Archie Hudson, Rash took her place at a conference about young doctors in the NHS. However, during the middle of Rash's speech, he got into a debate with Frazer Forbes — the hospital's Head of Obstetrics and Gynaecology. In cubicles, Rash treated a woman named Daisy who was suffering from pain in her kidney area. Her husband George — a former general practitioner — took issue with Rash not sending Daisy to the renal department and demanded to speak to Connie after Rash lost his patience with him. However, when George mentioned that he had been feeding Daisy chanterelle mushrooms, Rash realised that George had unwittingly been picking deadly webcaps. George realised his error and sung his praises of Rash's clinical skills to Connie who was impressed. (CAS: Episode 1166)

In April, Rash treated a young boy named Howie Curruthers; Connie had treated him previously and diagnosed him with a urinary tract infection, but Howie's mother Nicola was sceptical and had him readmitted. Despite initially concurring with Connie's diagnosis, Rash, against Connie's instruction, agreed to investigate Howie's symptoms further and found that he was suffering from stump appendicitis following an appendectomy; Connie later admitted that she was wrong. (CAS: Episode 1169)

Ollie Hide's Chiari malformation[]

In June 2021, Rash volunteered to treat Ollie Hide when David took him into the ED after experiencing an unusual combination of symptoms. Ollie told Rash that he had experienced numbness in his thumbs, but David and Ollie's step-mother Rosa's interference and constant arguments impeded Rash's investigation. Lacking a definitive answer, Rash suggested that Ollie may have had a viral infection, but Ollie later told Rash that Rosa had become increasingly fixated on him, hypothesising that he reminded Rosa of her dead son Gabriel who died as a child after experiencing similar symptoms to Ollie's. (CAS: Episode 1203)

Later in the month, Ollie experienced the same symptoms whilst at school and was admitted to the ED again. Rash's investigation continued to yield no clues as to what was causing Ollie's condition until Ollie threw up after Rosa gave him a hot chocolate which led to Rash suspecting that Rosa was deliberately making Ollie ill. When David pushed Rash into admitting his suspicions, he refused to believe that Rosa would knowingly harm Olle or Gabriel and ordered Rash to stay away from him and his family. However, after learning of Ollie's concerns and finding citalopram in Rosa's handbag, David confronted Rosa over her behaviour and publicly accused her of poisoning Ollie and Gabriel, leaving Rash in shock. (CAS: Episode 1206) When Rosa was exonerated, David blamed Rash for ruining his marriage; he later apologised for his remarks. (CAS: Episode 1208) In July, Dylan took over Ollie's case and diagnosed him with a Chiari 1 malformation, where the back of Ollie's brain was extending into his spinal cord and obstructing the flow of fluid. (CAS: Episode 1210)

Gang involvement[]

In October, Rash treated Farah Bakshi who had suffered several lacerations to her hands and arms, and Hafsa Kazimi — presenting herself as Farah's mentor for a community youth club — claimed that Farah had fallen off her bike and landed on broken glass. Rash eventually recognised Hafsa as the younger sister of his childhood friend Samir who, to Rash's shock, had died earlier that year. Despite the reunion, Rash recognised that Farah's lacerations were defensive stab wounds and was obliged to inform the police, especially after finding a shank on her, but Hafsa managed to convince Rash of her and Farah's good intentions, and he reluctantly disposed of the shank and did not report Farah to the police. Rash gave Hafsa his phone number in case she or Farah needed anything. (CAS: "Warning Signs") Unbeknownst to Rash, Hafsa was a recruiter for the Bridgeway — a gang based around the Farmead estate — and had been using Farah and other vulnerable young people to deal drugs.

A few weeks later, Rash begrudgingly agreed to let a young man named Rayan stay in his flat for a few nights. When Rayan was stabbed by Kyle Morgen, a member of a rival gang, Hafsa took him to Rash to be treated, but Rash convinced Hafsa and Rayan to accept treatment in the ED on the condition that he would keep the police away. A remorseful Kyle visited Rayan, warning him that the rest of his gang were coming for him, and told Rash the truth about Hafsa, but Rash continued to believe Hafsa when she claimed that she was trying to help her recruitees escape the criminal life. After Kyle took on his own gang to save Rayan, Rash offered to help Rayan get his life back on track, but Hafsa successfully persuaded Rash to be her first point of help in the event of her protégés becoming injured. (CAS: "Two Tribes")

In November, Rash was visited by Chauncey Myer with Isaac Bryden in tow. Rash sutured a laceration on Isaac's arm, but the stitches came undone, prompting Chauncey to have Isaac treated by Rash covertly in the ED. Chauncey threatened to expose Rash for treating Isaac in his flat if he did not erroneously prescribe Isaac pain relief. Rash was horrified to discover that Ashok had been attacked by gang members guarding his flat and, whilst handing over the medication, insisted that his involvement with the Bridgeway to be over. Chauncey threatened reprisals against Rash and Ashok if the former failed to comply, but Rash called the police regardless (CAS: "Two Minutes") and reported Hafsa's activities.


Rash bargains with Hafsa to save Rayan. (CAS: "Retribution")

One morning, Rash was abducted by Chauncey and Rayan so he could treat Hafsa who had been attacked and left with a ruptured artery by the Farmead following a tip-off to the police. Hafsa warned Rash that there would be a "gang war" at the hospital if she was taken there, so Rash was forced to treat Hafsa with a basic medical kit and street ketamine. Hafsa suspected that Rayan was the snitch and ordered for a violent interrogation, but Rash admitted that he was responsible and threatened to leave Hafsa to die if Rayan was not let go. Hafsa allowed Rayan to leave, but she soon deteriorated and voiced her regret over his life choices before dying. After convincing Chauncey that the bloodshed needed to stop, registrar Matthew Afolami — accompanied by the police — found Rash by using a tracking app on Ashok's phone. Rash explained his rationale for helping the kids involved in the Bridgeway, but Matthew reminded Rash that "the road to hell is paved with good intentions". (CAS: "Retribution")

Paige Allcott's BRCA test[]

In 2022, Rash developed a crush on F1 Paige Allcott. (CAS: "Burning Love") In May, Rash found the confidence to ask Paige out on a date; Paige was flattered but claimed that his timing sucked. After Paige struggled in resus, Rash apporached a crying Paige about what was troubling her, and she explained that her mother died of cancer six weeks prior, and she needed to take a test for the BRCA gene. In resus, Rash and Paige found a man named Ciprian hovering over Elvira Toska with a boxcutter and called for help. Rash protected Paige when a panicking Ciprian approached with the weapon, and sustained a superficial stab wound to his neck. Grateful for Rash supporting her and saving her life, Paige offered him a ride home and kissed him. (CAS: "Found You")

Now in a relationship, Paige did not want her colleagues finding out in case it negatively affected her standing in the department, but Rash and Paige's colleagues quickly realised that they were a couple and recommended informing Dylan — the incumbent clinical lead. Still reeling from her mother's death and fearing feeling hurt if she and Rash broke up, Paige suggested that she and Rash "cool" their relationship, but Paige later saw it as an opportunity for a fresh start and resumed their romance. The couple awkwardly broke the news to Dylan, but an amused Dylan did not care as long as it did not impact their professionalism. (CAS: "Never Alone")

Paige informed Rash that she had booked her BRCA test for June, but on the day, Paige came into work instead and claimed that she would rebook it. Believing that Paige's mentor Stevie Nash had pressured her into coming in, Rash confronted Stevie for making Paige miss her appointment, but Stevie had no knowledge of the test and insisted that Paige asked to work. Paige admitted to Rash that she never booked the test because she was intimidated by the gravity of the situation. Rash decided to book the test himself; Paige was initially outraged, but she later felt that she needed to face her fears and accepted Rash's support. (CAS: "By Any Means")

Weeks later, Paige failed to turn up to work, leaving Rash concerned that the results of the test came back positive. Robyn confirmed Rash's fears but urged him to give both Paige and himself time to breathe and digest the results; Rash continued to bombard Paige's phone with pleas for a conversation nevertheless. Despite eventually calming down and acknowledging Paige's need for time to herself, upon learning that Paige wanted to postpone her preventative surgery, Rash tried to convince her not to. Paige stressed that she had just witnessed her mother die, and made it clear to Rash that it was not his place to make decisions for her. (CAS: "Survivor")

In November, a van crashed outside a church where Paige was attending a gospel choir session. After finding that the driver Carl Simpson was covered in ostensibly far-right tattoos, Rash was convinced that the crash was deliberate and told Police Sergeant Ffion Morgan that Paige saw Carl's face before impact and noticed malicious intent. Paige was upset by Rash's lie and accepted Carl's explanation of the tattoo being football related. Carl was found to have suffered from seizures, prompting an apology from Rash, but Carl responded by making racist remarks and assaulting Rash. Whilst Paige cleaned Rash up, the latter admitted that he was scared when he heard about the crash. Paige assured Rash that she cared about him too, but she insisted that it was not his job to protect her and, unsure about the future of their relationship, later turned down the opportunity to meet Ashok. (CAS: "People Skills")

Ashok's vascular dementia diagnosis[]

In January 2023, Ashok accompanied his partner Mona Nadkarni to the ED after the latter got her hand caught in a door. Paige became concerned about Ashok and Mona's demeanour; she noticed that Mona was carrying Ashok's phone and wallet in her handbag, and Ashok seemed to Paige that he was "sorry" as if he was on a final warning with Mona. Although initially confounded and sceptical, Rash was unconvinced by Mona's explanations and overheard Ashok complaining that Mona was not letting him see his friends, albeit Rash concluded that Mona was keeping Ashok on a short lead for having an affair. Charlie noticed Ashok's confusion and suspected that Ashok was displaying signs of dementia. Rash initially dismissed the idea, but he soon recognised that he was in denial and approached Mona who admitted that Ashok's illness was serious enough that he was having mood swings and significant lapses in memory. Rash offered to help, but Mona warned Rash of the impact acknowledging Ashok's condition would have on his reputation in his community and, despite Rash's desperate pleas, left in a taxi with a packed suitcase. (CAS: "Start the Fire")

Rash joined Ashok at a consult with a specialist who believed that the most likely diagnosis for Ashok's condition was vascular dementia. Rash was keen to help Ashok make the necessary lifestyle changes the condition would require, but Ashok saw the speculative diagnosis as nothing more than a "hunch" and was unreceptive to the idea of eventually going into private care. The news about Ashok's problems and Mona's departure had spread throughout the community, prompting Ashok's old friend Nadeem to reach out. Mona turned up at the ED with Ashok after the latter thought the two of them were going out for lunch, and urged Rash to seek professional help for his father. The stress of having to juggle his work and Ashok's welfare caused Rash to experience a panic attack. Paige found and calmed Rash down, and she urged to speak to Dylan before the two of them would make a plan for Ashok together. At home, Rash was relieved to find Ashok and Nadeem playing in the garden, although Mona had concerns about Nadeem's presence making Ashok overexcited. (CAS: "Fear Not")

The following month, Ashok caused a road accident by taking Nadeem's car and driving it on the wrong side of a dual carriageway. He grew increasingly confused en route, and he failed to recognise Rash after he arrived in the ED. Rash insisted that he was fine and declined Dylan's offers to take time off his shift in order to treat a victim of the crash facing potentially permanent paralysis. Ashok's head CT scan showed evidence of a stroke. Rash realised that taking care of Ashok on his own was no longer an option, but Nadeem had lost all of Ashok's money on "global market" investments. A furious Rash punched Nadeem and accused him of betraying Ashok, but Nadeem instead retorted that Rash had abandoned Ashok. Rash took Nadeem's words to heart and blamed himself for letting Ashok down, but a lucid Ashok offered him reassurance. (CAS: "I.O.U.")

Rash and Paige's plan to take care of Ashok quickly caused issues, with Ashok's erratic sleep schedule and nightmares affecting Paige's performance at work. (CAS: "Running on Empty") Rash and Paige started trying to find a care home for Ashok, but it quickly became apparent that he would not feel comfortable in any of the low-budget offerings, leaving Rash with no option but to apply for a personal loan to pay for more premium accommodation. However, Ashok eventually took a liking to one of the cheaper homes. (CAS: "Not Important")

Soon after Ashok moved into the care home, he was assaulted and witnessed the abuse of other residents by the community physiotherapist Roy Welch. One morning, Ashok heard Roy assaulting another resident and friend named Olive at knife-point and intervened, managing to take the knife away (CAS: "Pushover", "No Regrets") and barricade himself in his room. After being called by the home, Rash forced his way into Ashok's room and found him hiding with the knife. Ashok then resisted when a care assistant tried to help him stand up, and stabbed him in the shoulder. At the ED, Dylan — already investigating suspected cases of abuse in local care homes — found bruises on Ashok's shoulder and believed that Ashok had been forcibly restrained, much to Rash's horror. Ashok later recounted the incident with Olive to Rash and Dylan who forwarded his testimony to the police. Later that day, Rash took Ashok home and broke up with Paige, stating that the situation with Ashok was putting out her "light". (CAS: "Pushover")

As the months passed, Ashok's dementia worsened, causing him to more frequently fail to recognise Rash. Following a game of chess, Ashok unwittingly confided in Rash his desire to witness his son have a family before he died. At work, Rash found a confidant in the newly employed nurse Rida Amaan whose mother also had dementia. (CAS: "Little White Lies") After lying to Ashok about having a girlfriend in order to please him, Rash realised that he had to tell the truth. However, as a gesture of friendship, Rida introduced herself to Ashok as Rash's girlfriend. (CAS: "Aftermath")

The care home Ashok was residing in following the abuse scandal — Wentham Lodge — was set to close down and move its residents to Essex. Rash was not informed and only found out at work whilst trying to transfer a patient. Initially considering working additional shifts in order to afford a decent local home for Ashok, Rash decided to move his father back home (CAS: "Tinderbox") and hire a visiting carer. When finding a carer proved difficult for Rash, Rida offered her services which Rash accepted. (CAS: "Aftershock") Rash questioned his decision after learning that Rida had left her own front door open, and worried when Ashok called him in a panic after failing to recognise Rida. Upon returning home, Rash was relieved to find that Rida had successfully calmed Ashok down from his "wobble" and was dancing with him. (CAS: "Red Flags")

Spurred on by encouragement from a former GP, Rash considered his career progression and ultimately decided to prioritise his father's care over quickly becoming a consultant. However, at home, Rash found himself feeling rattled by Ashok only recognising and cooperating with Rida. (CAS: "Liability") Rash took further issue with not being informed about issues Ashok was having and, after discovering that Rida had been given one of his mother Madia's necklaces, dismissed Rida from her caring duties. Rash later realised how good Rida was with Ashok and asked her back. (CAS: "Take the Strain") In spite of Rida's capability, Ashok's condition continued to deteriorate. In a confused state, Ashok bit Rida's arm which resulted in an infection. Rash felt guilty about the incident and felt that he needed to spend more time with his father. (CAS: "Willing and Able")

Ashok's death[]

Rash mourns for Ashok

Rash breaks down upon finding Ashok dead. (CAS: "Last Words")

On one of his days off from work, Rash was encouraged by Rida to take some time out for himself whilst she dealt with an uncooperative Ashok. Rash returned to the ED to complete some administrative work, but he quickly became involved in a case involving a man named Wyatt who was displaying symptoms consistent with Ebola, requiring him to isolate. In his absence, Ashok wandered out of the house and was hit by a bus. Rash was notified of the incident but was not allowed out of isolation until Wyatt's condition was confirmed to not be Ebola. Immediately upon being given the all-clear, Rash sprinted to Ashok's bedside only to find the team preparing to declare Ashok dead. A distraught Rida tried to explain what had happened, but Rash believed that Rida had been negligent and ordered her to leave before breaking down — screaming and sobbing — on his father's chest. (CAS: "Last Words")

On the day of Ashok's Janāzah, Rash could not face making ghusl and cleaning his father's body. He found comfort in his cousin Tariq who had returned to the UK after undergoing medical training in Australia. Tariq agreed to help Rash complete the ritual. Rida — having not been informed of the funeral's date by Rash prior — arrived after the service had concluded. Rash insisted that the funeral had nothing to do with her, and nobody — not Rida nor Tariq — knew what he was going through. (CAS: "Haunted")


Following Ashok's death, Rash went on compassionate leave, underwent grief therapy and returned to work over a month later. Rash informed Clinical Lead Patrick Onley of his desire to become a consultant through the intensive CESR pathway. Asked to stick with cubicles for the time being, Rash treated a suicidal woman named Fern Cross and a man named Gaz Jones who Rash suspected had early-onset dementia. Rash's colleagues expressed concerns that he became too emotionally involved in Fern and Gaz's cases, citing his prolonged presence at Fern's bedside in the hours following her admission as an example. He quickly grew frustrated with the hospital's lack of capacity and resources repeatedly letting Fern down. Patrick discharged Fern after she agreed to voluntarily admit herself for more psychiatric help, only for her to be admitted the following day after another suicide attempt. Rash tried to apologise to Fern for failing to help her, but Fern and her sister Sally demanded that he leave. He subsequently broke down — overwhelmed by his emotions and the dilapidated state of the ED — and intentionally started a fire to draw attention to a broken smoke alarm, forcing Tariq to pull him away and extinguish the fire. Rash was sent home by Patrick and required to attend a session with Marris Jacobs to assess whether he was fit to practise. By the end of the session, Rash admitted that he felt that everything was broken and that something needed to change.

Marris believed that Rash would be safe to practise with time as well as additional support and counselling. However, with St James' Hospital closed for the foreseeable future due to a fire, Patrick successfully persuaded Rash to return to work sooner by offering to start setting his CESR training in motion. (CAS: "System Failure") Fern was readmitted a few days later with a self-inflicted injury. After she was refused inpatient treatment for her borderline personality disorder, Fern killed herself in the department's toilets. Sally blamed Rash and the staff for leaving Fern alone and allowing her the opportunity to harm herself.

Rash agreed to allow Tariq to live with him, (CAS: "Core Wounds") but Rash quickly took issue with Tariq's "selifsh" habits such as leaving perishable food out and not cleaning up after himself. Rash started attending virtual therapy sessions with Uma Mehta who proposed that Rash was "personalising" natural events such as Ashok's death and Tariq's personality. At work, Rash berated Tariq for unwittingly breaking the news to a patient that she was experiencing a molar pregnancy and would possibly need a hysterectomy, and branded his cousin a "mediocre" doctor. However, Rash later realised that he should have co-ordinated with Tariq and apologised for his harsh words. (CAS: "Childhood's End") Rash's proximity to Tariq — a person so positive that it often annoyed him — made him realise that he did not have the energy to be positive himself and sometimes felt like he was "drowning". Rash found himself using breathing exercises taught to him by Uma to calm him down when he found the stress of the ED overwhelming. (CAS: "Breathe with Me") One day, Uma was admitted to the ED after accidentally cutting her hand. Rash was confused by Uma's demeanour towards him, and was disheartened to find that she did not recognise him. Uma apologised and put her forgetfulness down to him being "out of context". Rash understood but stated that he would not be booking another session, insisting that he was now fine. (CAS: "Into the Fire")

Whistleblowing accusation[]

A television documentary was broadcast which exposed the failings of the Emergency Department via leaked bodycam footage and testimony provided anonymously by Rida. (CAS: "The Whistleblower", "Shame the Devil", "Red Handed") Rash was apathetic towards the identity of the whistleblower and thought that the "cracks" in the department were too big to be fixed with new equipment and "a hug" from Clinical Nurse Manager Siobhan McKenzie. (CAS: "The Whistleblower")

During a shift, Rash witnessed Patrick pocketing a pair of forceps he clamped a patient's chest drain with — an outdated practice that had caused their condition to deteriorate. Rash confronted Patrick about the incident, pointing out the lack of mention of a clamp in the patient's notes, but Patrick feigned ignorance. (CAS: "The Longest Shift") In retaliation, Patrick had Roger Hubbard — a friend and Chairman of the Holby City Hospital Board — forward him an email from Rash threatening "aggressive direct action" if his list of shortcomings seen in the ED were not addressed. Rash maintained that he was not the whistleblower, but he quickly realised that Patrick was firm in his conclusion. On the hospital roof, Rash found himself contemplating jumping and backed away in shock. (CAS: "Shame the Devil")

Despite Patrick's accusation, Rash was not formally accused of whistleblowing by the Trust. Patrick, however, used Rash's tutorial session to discuss his "erratic" and "dangerous" behaviour, to level blame at him for Fern Cross' suicide, and to encourage Rash to consider a different career path. Rash accused Patrick of attempting constructive dismissal and reiterated his claims of innocence. (CAS: "Siege Mentality") Rash later saw Tariq's encouragement to accept help from him and Patrick with his apparent mental health problems as an attempt by Patrick to secure a confession. (CAS: "Red Handed")

Suicide attempt[]

Rash in ICU

Rida and Tariq make du'a for Rash at his bedside. (CAS: "The Last Post")

In June 2024, Rida decided to come clean about her identity as the whistleblower and informed Rash first. To her shock, Rash acknowledged the strain in their relationship following Ashok's death and apologised for blaming her. Before Rida could speak to Siobhan, Rash visited Patrick, took responsibility for the documentary and resigned. After being forcibly ejected from the hospital, Rash returned home and intentionally overdosed, leaving a note on his bedroom door urging Tariq to call 999 instead of entering. After a public admittance from Rida, Tariq returned to the house to bring Rash the good news only to find Rash unconscious and subsequently in cardiac arrest. Once an ambulance arrived, Tariq and Iain Dean eventually managed to achieve a return of spontaneous circulation, and Rash was rushed to the ED. Following a brief re-arrest, Rash was stabilised and moved to ITU. (CAS: "The Last Post")

Return to work[]

Rash eventually recovered physically and was discharged from hospital. His relationship with Tariq was impacted by the incident, and the pair rarely spoke to each other despite sharing a home. Rash returned to the ED eight weeks after his suicide attempt, albeit initially under a shadow and on lighter duties much to his dismay. Tariq was keen to help ease Rash back into the job and offer positive reinforcement, but Rash found his cousin's gestures unnecessary and even pulled him up for neglecting some of his patients. The pair later apologised to each other, although Tariq held back his true feelings regarding his fears about Rash (CAS: "Sinking Ships - Day One") and dismissed Rida's suggestion of having a proper conversation with Rash. (CAS: "Ghosts") When Tariq asked Rash to cover him at reception so he could get a coffee, claiming that Rash owed him, Rash thought that Tariq was referring to him saving his life and took offence.

An aggressive patient named Bora had to be physically restrained and sedated, but Tariq accidentally forgot to dilute the sedative and knocked Bora out. Rash filed an incident report and informed Siobhan — now the clinical lead. (CAS: "Duped") Rash later found Tariq in a tryst with a former patient of his named Yasmin Zandi in a store cupboard. Rash decried Tariq's behaviour and called him a "mess". Tariq reflexively called Rash an emotional mess and immediately apologised, but Rash was uninterested. (CAS: "All for Love")

After finding out that Tariq had been offered a place on an international trauma course by default after fellow ST1 Nicole Piper dropped out due to pregnancy, and noticing his reluctance to seek references from his old colleagues in Australia, Rash contacted one of Tariq's former colleagues and discovered that there were rumours of him sleeping with and being violent with patients. Tariq stressed that he had consensual sex with a patient who was a "total nut job" but admitted that he had been asked to leave the hospital because of his behaviour. Rash implored Tariq to "do the right thing" and withdraw from the trauma course. The discovery that Tariq had been telling Yasmin about his depression diminished Rash's opinion of his cousin further.

That evening, an argument between Tariq and Yasmin — both drunk and high — resulted in the latter losing her balance and falling from her balcony, causing her to suffer a C5 spinal fracture and an arterial bleed. In a panic, Tariq called Rash who reluctantly agreed to cover for him and told him to run off before the paramedics arrived. Rash lied that he came across Yasmin in her condition on his way home. Both Rash and Tariq was terrified of the possible legal repercussions if their lies were discovered, but Rash warned Tariq that he would immediately tell the truth if a police investigation was started, and declared that he was done protecting him. (CAS: "Downfall")

Yasmin was stabilised, but she was not waking up. Despite Rash's objections, Tariq was desperate to visit Yasmin. The pair found Yasmin awake and recounting the incident to the police, but she covered for the cousins and credited Rash with saving her life. Rash objected to Tariq's celebratory response to the situation and reminded Tariq of the risks he took for him, insisting that he was not "baby-sitting" him any more. To Rash's shock, Tariq argued that he had been the one carrying Rash ever since his suicide attempt and asserted that he was not doing it any more. (CAS: "Absolution") Tariq promptly moved out of Rash's house and intended to withdraw from the trauma course. (CAS: "The Truth Will Set You Free") However, the pair was soon able to work together on friendlier terms. (CAS: "Freedom")


Behind the scenes[]

Neet Mohan first portrayed Rash in episode 1059 of Casualty in November 2017.
