Holby Wiki - Casualty and Holby City
Holby Wiki - Casualty and Holby City

Series 18 is the eighteenth series of Casualty. It aired from 13 September 2003 until 28 August 2004. The series sees the arrival of Jim Brodie and Tess Bateman in episode one, and on their first day they're faced with the chaos of the train crash. Episode three of the series sees the arrival of Claire Guildford, with John "Abs" Denham arriving in episode 5.

In total, the series features five exits of main characters. First is Anna Paul, who dies in episode three following the injuries she sustains in the train crash. Death also occurs in episode 19, with fan-favourite Baz Wilder dying after a car crash. Towards the end of the series in episode 40, paramedic Nikki Marshall leaves, and then in the series finale Lara Stone leaves while Simon Kaminski dies.

Memorable events of the series include the train crash, Anna's death, Nikki and Jim's wedding, Baz's death, the caves expedition, Luke's inquest, Fin and Comfort's wedding, Lara and Nikki held hostage, Lara and Simon's wedding and Simon's death.



Episode Series Episode Centric character Original airdate
401 1 "End of the Line - Part One" Comfort 13 September 2003
Note: First appearance of Tess Bateman (Suzanne Packer).
402 2 "End of the Line - Part Two" Comfort 14 September 2003
Note: First appearance of Jim Brodie.
403 3 "Breathe Deeply..." Anna 20 September 2003
Note: First appearance of Claire Guildford and death of Anna Paul.
404 4 "Perks of the Job" Simon 27 September 2003
405 5 "Flash in the Pan" Lara 4 October 2003
Note: First appearance of John "Abs" Denham (James Redmond).
406 6 "Against Protocol" Charlie 11 October 2003
407 7 "Can't Let Go" Harry 18 October 2003
Mike Bateman resigns from the fire services due to his suspension over the train crash.
408 8 "Truth or Dare" Nikki 25 October 2003
409 9 "In the Frame" Harry 1 November 2003
410 10 "Black Dog Day" Harry 8 November 2003
411 11 "Falling For a Friend" Comfort 15 November 2003
412 12 "Second Best" Charlie 22 November 2003
Note: Return of Baz Wilder (Julia Watson).
413 13 "First Impressions" Harry 29 November 2003
414 14 "Christmas Spirit" Charlie 6 December 2003
415 15 "Never Judge a Book" Nikki 13 December 2003
416 16 "Eat, Drink and Be Merry" Charlie 20 December 2003
417 17 "I Got It Bad and Ain't That Good" Charlie 27 December 2003
418 18 "Ahead of the Game" Charlie 3 January 2004
419 19 "Where There's Life" Charlie 10 January 2004
Note: Death of Baz Wilder (Julia Watson).
420 20 "No Weddings and a Funeral" Charlie 17 January 2004
421 21 "Emotional Rescue - Part One" Lara 24 January 2004
422 22 "Emotional Rescue - Part Two" Harry 31 January 2004
423 23 "Passions and Convictions" Comfort 7 February 2004
424 24 "Fallen Hero" Comfort 14 February 2004
425 25 "Taking Care" Charlie 21 February 2004
426 26 "What Parents Do" Jim 28 February 2004
427 27 "Love and Loathing" Luke 6 March 2004
428 28 "Finding Faith" Comfort 13 March 2004
429 29 "Parenthood" Roxy 27 March 2004
Note: Temporary departure of Comfort Jones (Martina Laird).
430 30 "Another Perfect Day" Comfort 3 April 2004
431 31 "I Love You, I Hate You" Luke 10 April 2004
432 32 "Forget Me Not" Roxy 17 April 2004
Note: Temporary departure of Luke Warren.
433 33 "Lock Down" Abs 24 April 2004
434 34 "Much Wants More" Abs 1 May 2004
Note: Temporary departure of Harry Harper (Simon MacCorkindale).
435 35 "Breaking Point" Jim 8 May 2004
Helen Grant, the hospital's Executive Director, bursts into the ED with an attitude.
436 36 "Don't Go There" Charlie 23 May 2004
Helen leaves the ED satisfied.
437 37 "World Gone Wrong - Part One" Nikki 29 May 2004
Note: Return of Harry Harper (Simon MacCorkindale) and Comofrt Jones (Martina Laird).
438 38 "World Gone Wrong - Part Two" Lara 30 May 2004
439 39 "The Good Father" Harry 5 June 2004
Note: Return of Luke Warren.
440 40 "Dreams and Disappointments" Lara 17 July 2004
Note: Departure of Nikki Marshall and temporary departure of Charlie Fairhead (Derek Thompson).
441 41 "And the Bride Wore Red" Nina 24 July 2004
Note: First appearance of Nina Farr (Rebekah Gibbs).
442 42 "A Dangerous Initiative" Comfort 31 July 2004
443 43 "Inside Out" Simon 7 August 2004
444 44 "Who Cares?" Lara 14 August 2004
445 45 "Love, Honour and Betray" Simon 21 August 2004
446 46 "Ring of Truth" Lara 28 August 2004
Note: Departure of Lara Stone and death of Simon Kaminski.
Previous series: Next series:
Series 17 Series 19
