Holby Wiki - Casualty and Holby City
Holby Wiki - Casualty and Holby City

Series 24 is the twenty-fourth series of Casualty and aired between 12 September 2009 and 21 August 2010. The start of the series introduced four new foundation year 2 doctors, May Phelps, Heather Whitefield, Yuki Reid and Lenny Lyons, of which the latter two would see out the end of the series. Staff Nurse Jessica Harrison left in episode 24, and was replaced by Kirsty Clements in episode 36. HCA Alice Chantrey departed in episode 34.


Recurring/Guest characters[]


Episode Series Episode Centric character Original airdate
687 1 "Dawn of the ED - Part One" Adam 12 September 2009
Adam Trueman begins his first day as Clinical Lead of the ED by greeting the eight new F2 doctors, including Heather Whitefield, May Phelps, Yuki Reid and Lenny Lyons. Adam and Heather attend a call-out to a deserted shopping centre, where one patient is trapped in an industrial fan, another has fallen from a balcony, and numerous homeless people are living in the basement. Unaware that the centre is occupied, its owner rigs the building with explosives as part of an insurance scam, detonating it with dozens of people trapped inside.

Note: First appearance of Lenny Lyons, Yuki Reid, May Phelps, Heather Whitefield & Alistair.

688 2 "Dawn of the ED - Part Two" Adam 13 September 2009
Amid the carnage of the explosion, Adam refuses to leave the shopping centre without Heather after they become separated. Zoe receives a phone call and abandons her colleagues without explanation, Polly attracts the affections of one of the homeless men when she finds him temporary accommodation, and Jay reveals his sensitive side as he cares for an elderly woman in her final hours.
689 3 "And Then There Were Three" May 19 September 2009
In the aftermath of Heather's death, Adam has May, Yuki and Lenny work with consultant Zoe Hanna, who separates the three of them. Yuki is sent to work with Jeff and Polly, May works with Ruth Winters and Lenny works with Zoe. All three struggle with their work, and are banned from treating patients for the remainder of the shift. They are sent to see counsellor Ben Harding, who motivates them to work as a team. Toby De Silva briefly returns to share a drink with the staff.

Note: Guest appearance of Toby De Silva and Ben Harding.

690 4 "Sunset Syndrome" Nick 26 September 2009
Nick Jordan is suffering from a terminal brain tumour. When Zoe discovers he is in hospital, she forges his signature and signs consent papers for surgery he had previously refused, motivated by her guilt at the end of their relationship. The surgery is successful, and Nick's life is saved.
691 5 "Not Forgotten" Zoe 3 October 2009
Jay Faldren asks Ruth to publicly acknowledge their relationship. After making a good impression on her boss, Sarah Evans, Ruth kisses Jay in the reception area, alerting their colleagues to their relationship. When they go home, Ruth realises she has forgotten to take the pill, and wonders if she is pregnant. When Nick discovers Zoe's deception, he is furious with her. The F2s are disillusioned with Adam's management style, but give him a second chance when he impresses them in resus.
692 6 "Comfort Zone" Ruth 10 October 2009
Ruth discovers that she is pregnant, and is invited to a surgeons' dinner by Sarah. Jeff take an instant disliking to his new partner, and reports him to Dixie when he finds him going through a patient's personal belongings. Nick is discharged into Zoe's care, but is still angry with her and goes home alone. Adam is angry with Zoe for being remiss in her duties at work, and the department are surprised when she announces Nick is recovering and well.

Note: Guest appearances of Dr Frances Lively & Tasmeen Haron.

693 7 "Love Is a Sacrifice" Ruth 18 October 2009
Ruth decides to have an abortion. She does not invite Jay to the surgeons' dinner, but he turns up anyway, and is thrown out just as Ruth collapses. Charlie visits a depressed Nick, who is unhappy with his condition following his operation. The F2s and Jessica are held hostage in resus by the angry relative of a dying patient. They perform a difficult procedure on the patient, observed by Adam from outside the room.
694 8 "Not Wisely but Too Well" Jay 24 October 2009
Following her collapse at the surgeons' dinner, Ruth is admitted to the emergency department. Sarah tells her that she must not have any distractions if she wants to remain on her team, so Ruth pushes Jay away. The F2s work on the case of a patient who claims to be able to see elves. When Yuki successfully diagnoses him, May asks him out. Zoe discovers her new boyfriend Joel is only 15 and still in school. He steals a memory stick containing patient files to ensure that Zoe will be forced to see him again.
695 9 "Regrets" Zoe 31 October 2009
Zoe tells Adam about the missing memory stick, and is given until 4pm to get it back. Nick helps her, tracking down Joel who is on a school field trip to the zoo. Joel attempts to swallow the memory stick, but chokes and is admitted as a patient. Alistair breaks into Polly's flat in the misguided belief they are in a relationship. Polly is terrified, and calls the police when he leaves.
696 10 "Every Breath You Take" Polly 7 November 2009
Nick returns to work in the emergency department in an administrative capacity. The department is busy following an accident with fireworks at a local pub, and Nick steps in to help Lenny with the casualties. Jeff works his first solo shift as a rapid responder, but is attacked from behind by an unknown assailant. Polly visits the hostel Alistair is staying at, where she discovers he has erected a shrine to her.
697 11 "Leave Me Standing" Ruth 14 November 2009
Yuki, May and Lenny are excited to be given a patient of their own to treat – Ruth's friend Amir. They ignore advice from Nick and follow their own treatment plan, leading to Amir's death. Polly continues to worry about Alistair.
698 12 "Second Chance" Ruth 21 November 2009
The F2s argue throughout a busy shift, during which they deal with the casualties from a fire and a car accident victim with cerebral palsy. In an attempt to impress Sarah, Ruth does not seek help in her treatment of the cerebral palsy patient, whose condition worsens, forcing Nick to step in.
699 13 "The Devil You Know" Polly 28 November 2009
The dean of medicine announces a new Junior Academic Fellowship Award, which will see one of the F2s win a role in the emergency department with an excellent salary. Polly struggles to treat Gal, a bank manager shot during a robbery. Nick wishes to treat patients but Adam refuses to let him. Jessica's ex-husband Sean returns from Saudi Arabia.

Note: Return of Sean Andrews and final appearance of Alistair.

700 14 "As Others See Us" Ruth 5 December 2009
Ruth's estranged brother Jonathan arrives at the hospital seeking her help. He claims to have reformed, but Ruth suspects he is still taking drugs. Mick, a security guard seeking Ruth's approval, takes on a group of drunken homeless men who are stealing hand sanitizer from the wards. Jonathan steps in to help, hoping to convince Ruth he has changed. Sean interferes with Jessica and Adam's wedding plans.

Note: Guest appearance of Jonathan Winters.

701 15 "No More Heroes" Nick 12 December 2009
Yuki is struggling in the competition for the fellowship, and Zoe advises him to ask May out for a drink to boost his confidence. Nick is unable to contact Adam, who is at a school play with Jessica, so decides to treat a patient himself, despite his bar on performing clinical duties. Polly attends Alistair's funeral where she is verbally abused by his friend Abe, who blames her for his death.
702 16 "All I Want for Christmas" Ruth 19 December 2009
Frustrated at the lack of encouragement she has received in the fellowship competition, May plays a trick on Lenny, who mistakenly tells two sisters that their father has died. He is severely reprimanded by Adam for the mistake. Ruth happily anticipates spending Christmas with her brother, until she realises he has been stealing from her. Adam forces Nick to recognise that his future in the department depends on his acceptance of working only in an administrative capacity.
703 17 "Tidings of Comfort and Joy" Noel 27 December 2009
Zoe gives Noel a life to his father's Christmas party in a local old people's home. Noel is upset that his father no longer recognises him, and is concerned that he and several other residents appear to be ill. He asks Zoe to help the afflicted. The F2s are on their way to a Christmas party when they come across a car crash. They manage to stabilise the patients and transport them to the emergency department, and are lauded as heroes by Adam in front of their colleagues and the Dean of Medicine. The Dean mentions that May is his daughter, angering Lenny and Yuki who were unaware of her connections. Ruth admits that she is lonely when she works with Jay on a case. She accepts his comfort and they go home together.

Note: Guest appearance of Eddie Lanchester, Dean of Medicine.

704 18 "A Day in a Life" Adam 2 January 2010
After drinking heavily the night before, Adam arrives late for his own wedding to Jessica. Midway through the service, Tess announces there has been a major road accident. Adam breaks off the wedding to return to the hospital and treat patients. Yuki and May work well in the crisis unit, but Yuki struggles to forgive May for her deception. Ruth is impressed by Jay's sensitive treatment of a patient, and decides to admit to him that she had an abortion. Adam and Jessica have their union blessed in the hospital chapel. On the way to their reception, Adam swerves to avoid hitting an oncoming vehicle and skids onto a frozen lake. Amelia and Lucas escape from the vehicle as the ice begins to crack, but Jessica, Adam and Harry are submerged into the water.

Note: This is a feature-length episode and shows the final appearance of Harry Trueman.

705 19 "Dark Places" Lenny 9 January 2010
Davey, a friend of Lenny's from his years in foster care, arrives at the hospital intent on carrying out a plan they made as children, to burn down the children's home they lived in. Davey goes through with the plan, unaware there is still a child inside the building. The hearing into Polly's professional conduct over Alistair takes place, distressing Polly. Charlie's son Louis arrives at the hospital in need of money, and Charlie experiences health problems. Adam tells Jessica that their infant son Harry died in the car accident.

Note: Guest appearance of Davey Blair and return of Louis Fairhead.

706 20 "Leave Me Alone" Jessica 16 January 2010
Following the traumatic events of the New Year, Jessica takes a look back at her life, loves and career at Holby. It's 1998 and Jessica is a young nurse, casually flirting with Sean and enjoying wild nights out with best mate Linda. When Linda leaves to travel around America she gives Jessica a pebble saying that if Jessica ever finds herself in trouble it will be her lucky charm. A few years later, Jessica and Sean get married. Sean is keen for Jessica to take elocution lessons so that she sounds like a successful surgeon's wife and Jessica is keen to return to work after the birth of Amelia – much to Sean's distaste. It appears that married life isn't a bed of roses for the couple. When Amelia is older, Sean and Jessica's marriage is on shaky ground when, at a low ebb, Jessica meets Adam in a pub, goes home with him and is moved by their strong connection. Back in the present day, Linda checks up on her old friend and it's time for Adam to find out how his confession has been received.

Note: First appearance of Linda Andrews and final appearance of Sean Andrews, despite appearing in the Holby crossover, Love Is a Battlefield: Part 2, a Holby Cityepisode.

707 21 "Last Roll of the Dice" Polly 23 January 2010
While Adam keeps waiting by Jessica's bedside, life goes on in the ED with exams approaching for the increasingly stressed F2s. When May fails to impress Ruth and makes a clinical error, Ruth unleashes a barrage of anger on her mentee. Feeling low and worried May retaliates, resulting in a furious Ruth sending her home. Lenny can't believe his luck – with May having such a rough time and Yuki unexpectedly missing, it looks like the Fellowship is in the bag. Still raw from her confession about the abortion, Ruth has a heated conversation about May with Jay, during which he tells Ruth that she should try to be more empathetic.

Note: Guest appearances of Shona.

708 22 "The Cradle Will Fall" May 30 January 2010
It is the day of the F2s' exam and all are on edge. May is given a pep talk by her father and is shocked when he hands her an envelope with the exam questions inside in order to help her along her way. The F2s are rattled when Jordan reveals that the exam will also include a day-long assessment, with Henry overseeing. As the day progresses, Lenny is disgruntled to be given a case in cubicles, while May and Yuki are given 'exciting' resus medicine. Yuki falters while treating seriously ill teenager Seb but redeems himself when he comes up with a brilliant diagnosis. However when Yuki bravely tells a packed resus, including Seb's father, that Seb told him he no longer wants treatment, Henry orders him out. Yuki is disappointed but Henry cheers him up by saying that there's more to medicine than books. Lenny is disappointed to be stuck in cubicles and, determined to impress, orders a series of tests for a patient.

Note: Guest appearance of Eddie Lanchester, Dean of Medicine & Shona .

709 23 "An Ugly Truth" Jessica 6 February 2010
Adam and Jessica's relationship is fractured – they can only relax when they are working, separately, amongst their colleagues and patients. Jessica is shocked to see her old friend Linda, and touched when she realizes her friend sent her a keepsake to keep her going in her hour of need. Jessica confesses to Linda that she's finding it hard to live and work with Adam when he reminds her so much of Harry, but when Linda jokingly suggests Jessica come to America with her, she is surprised when Jessica agrees. Jessica tells a devastated Adam that she can no longer stay in Holby and, despite his own feelings, he lets her go. Later, Adam is surrounded by his friends from the ED – Jessica wrote them each a note asking them to look after Adam now she has gone.

Note: Guest appearance of Shona and Arthur Dixon. Final appearance of Jessica Harrison, Linda Andrews, Amelia Anderson & Lucas Anderson.

710 24 "Love Is a Battlefield" Charlie 13 February 2010
Charlie's chest pains are worsening, and his stress levels increase further when he gets a phone call from the police and Louis – Shona has broken into his house. He angers Louis by refusing to press charges against Shona, vowing to deal with her himself. Later he is forced to chase Shona around Holby and finds her drunk and high, slumped in a graveyard. He starts to drive her home, but a combination of the day's events and worsening pains causes Charlie to cough up blood. Shona rushes for help and Charlie is whisked into the ED, where the team stabilise him.

Note: This is a Holby crossover; for part two, see Holby City series 12 episode 19: "Downstairs Upstairs". Guest appearance of Elliot Hope, Shona) & Arthur Dixon.

711 25 "Past Lives" Adam 20 February 2010
Staff counsellor Ben Harding gets more than he bargained for from Adam. May is distracted when a handsome stranger turns up in Holby on a motorbike but, when she sees him in cubicles later, she is her usual snooty self. When the stranger reveals himself as Dr Kieron Fletcher, a young research doctor who's hoping to apply for the fellowship, May is seriously unimpressed. Kieron turns out to be a more than capable colleague, but just what is sparking his unusual interest in Jordan? Relaxing after work with a glass of wine.

Note: Guest appearance of Ben Harding, Eddie Lanchester, Dean of Medicine. First appearance of Kieron Fletcher & Matt Strong.

712 26 "Life Sentence" Adam 27 February 2010
A pleasure boat accident brings watery memories back to the surface for Adam; new F2 Keiron pushes his luck with the patients; and Zoe's new admirer gets under Jordan's skin. Despite his colleagues' concern, Adam volunteers to attend with the paramedics when a pleasure boat sinks on a river and, with memories of Jessica and Harry still fresh, dives into the water looking for casualties. It's Kieron's first day and he's desperate to impress Jordan. While dealing with a young diabetic patient who refuses anything other than synthetic insulin, Kieron takes a big risk by covertly administering a normal insulin dose to prevent the girl falling into a coma.

Note: First appearance of Howard Fairfax.

713 27 "Angel" Nick 6 March 2010
Yuki's jealousy forces him to take romantic action with May, as the medical drama continues. Jordan, meanwhile, receives a tempting offer from the board and Kieron finally reveals his business with Jordan. With Adam still behaving erratically, Henry approaches Jordan to see if he'd be interested in taking over as clinical lead. Concerned about the effect on Adam's confidence, Jordan is reticent but agrees to a meeting nonetheless.
714 28 "English Beauty" Adam 13 March 2010
Adam's odd behaviour worries Alice, and she tells Jordan she doesn't think he's coping. Jordan asks Alice to talk to Adam because of their common ground. Alice uses her own experiences to try to get Adam to open up over a meal that evening but Adam, desperately trying to feel something, kisses her. Before they head upstairs Alice, herself still vulnerable after Curtis's death, asks Adam to be there in the morning. But Adam feels worse than ever and can't bring himself to spend the night. He slips away.
715 29 "Just Like a Woman" May 27 March 2010
May's confidence soars when she impresses Jordan with a patient and she realises she's a serious contender for the JAFA. When her patient crashes, May is determined to prove herself and prepares to intubate alone. But as she does, she hears a sickening crack and realises she has broken her patient's neck. Terrified, May covers up her mistake and hides the intubation equipment before Jordan and the crash team arrive. When Jordan, unaware that she has already attempted an intubation unsupervised, offers her the chance to perform the procedure, she declines and passes the opportunity to Yuki. Afterwards, when Yuki realises something's wrong, he runs more tests and discovers the patient's neck is broken. Convinced he is responsible, Yuki confesses to May who advises him to own up to Jordan. She watches as he admits responsibility for a mistake he didn't make.

Note: Guest appearance of Arthur Dixon.

716 30 "Love of a Good Man" Nick 3 April 2010
It's the day of a very important internal review at the ED, and Ruth finds herself in an impossible situation with one of her colleagues—will career ambitions ride roughshod over the truth?

Note: Guest appearance of Monica Shapiro and Arthur Dixon.

717 31 "Loves Me, Loves Me Not" Nick 10 April 2010
A motorbike accident makes Jordan realise that he cares more than he realised about one of his staff. And Zoe receives an interesting offer.

Note: Last appearance of Frances Lively and guest appearance of Lyn.

718 32 "Clean Slate" Nick 17 April 2010
A DNA test proves once and for all whether or not Jordan is Kieron's father and Jay grasps an opportunity to clear his name, as the medical drama continues. Following Kieron's motorcycle accident, Jordan is annoyed to find their situation the subject of gossip in the hospital. After Tess persuades Jordan to visit Kieron, he finds himself thawing towards the young medic but is determined not to become too involved until the DNA results come back.
719 33 "Alone on a Wide, Wide Sea" Adam 24 April 2010
As Adam's erratic behaviour spirals completely out of control, events take a nasty turn in an out-of-the-way farmhouse.
720 34 "New Beginnings" Adam 1 May 2010
With the police closing in, and Adam fighting for survival, Jessica returns to Holby. Alice, Keiron and Matt depart.
721 35 "A Better Past" Yuki 8 May 2010
With Holby ED sent into lock-down, the F2s and Charlie fight for their lives as something deadly is unleashed. When Yuki is admitted as a patient, May admits her culpability and leaves the department. Meanwhile, Adam and Jessica finally discuss their feelings over Harry's death, but conclude they do not have a future together.

Note: Final appearance of May Phelps (Laura Aikman).

722 36 "Russian Endings" Kirsty 15 May 2010
New nurse Kirsty joins the department and instantly clashes with Tess. Yuki struggles to regain his confidence, whilst Jordan gets a reminder of his own mortality and realises that there's one thing that he needs to complete his life.
723 37 "Mum's the Word" Lenny 22 May 2010
Lenny thinks that he's got the JAFA in the bag until a fatality happens and Ruth gets her surgical mojo back. Zoe is feeling the pressure from Jordan has she got what it takes to make him happy?
724 38 "In Your Debt" Charlie 5 June 2010
Charlie falls in love with his unborn grandchild whilst Zoe is willing to do all that she can to give Jordan his wish. Yuki determines to work out the mystery illness that's killing Holby's residents.
725 39 "Inconvenient Truths" Lenny 12 June 2010
Lenny finally solves the riddle of the mystery illness with Yuki's help, however not everyone is happy with his discovery. Elsewhere, the ED gets a new receptionist who's determined to test Kirsty's patience.
726 40 "A Lesser Good" Adam 19 June 2010
Jordan does a deal with a devil. Kirsty gets caught out and isn't sure how to get out of it. Elsewhere, Adam has a brief encounter with a suspicious patient who seems a little too interested in his private life.
727 41 "Die and Let Live" Jay 26 June 2010
When Jordan informs him that he could be in mortal danger if he doesn't take the placebo in the drugs trial, Jay is shocked. Jordan promises to fast-track the blood test results, but Jay is aware that the clock is ticking. Treating Eileen, an older lady with diabetes, Jay empathises with her sadness at suffering alone. He is distraught when she dies unexpectedly and, unable to express his fear to his mates (who are running a book on which staff member is at risk) he tries to seek solace with Ruth. But she is too preoccupied to devote time to him.
728 42 "Going Solo" Lenny 10 July 2010
Lenny is determined to track down the last of the drugs trial patients – troubled teen Johnny – and save him from the Crypto virus. After causing an explosion in an office block, wayward Johnny is brought into the ED with his long-suffering mother, Louise, and Lenny leaps on the case. Despite warnings from his colleagues, Lenny performs a complex life-saving procedure unsupervised, much to Jordan's disapproval. But once Johnny's condition has stabilised, can Louise and the ED team get to the bottom of his behavioural problems?
729 43 "I Am Mine" Lenny 17 July 2010
Zoe tries to come clean to Jordan, but only digs herself in deeper. Lenny takes desperate measures for evidence of the drugs trial cover-up, and a surprise reunion with a terminally ill Megan leaves Charlie devastated.
730 44 "Making Other Plans" Adam 24 July 2010
Adam deals with a traumatic day but finally forgives himself for Harry's death. Tess tries to stop Megan taking drastic action.
731 45 "The Enemy Within" Lenny 31 July 2010
Lenny is offered the ultimate bribe. Charlie is forced to choose between his friend and everything he believes in.
732 46 "Nice and Easy Does It" Megan 7 August 2010
Charlie has agreed to help Megan ease her suffering and steals drugs from the hospital, but Tess discovers his plan and tries to stop him. Pointing out that this goes against everything they, as health professionals, believe in, Tess outlines the other options for controlling Megan's pain and depression, such as home-hospice care.
733 47 "What Tonight Means to Me - Part One" Nick 14 August 2010
A massive power cut plunges Holby into darkness just as Lenny prepares to accept the Jafa fellowship. When Ludlow's daughter is admitted following a fall down the stairs, Jordan discovers the reason for the drug trial, and is later shocked to find evidence of fertility treatment in Zoe's handbag. Meanwhile, Tess struggles to come to terms with her and Charlie's actions.

This episode saw the return of May Phelps through the use of newly filmed flashbacks.

734 48 "What Tonight Means to Me - Part Two" Nick 21 August 2010
Lenny and Yuki's fight for the Jafa fellowship comes to a head in the middle of the Holby power cut, but the pair later put aside their personal differences to deliver Shona's baby when she is discovered collapsed on the floor. Zoe finally confesses to Jordan that she is not pregnant, Adam celebrates his 40th birthday at a surprise party thrown by his colleagues, and Charlie finds a way to deal with his grief.
Previous series: Next series:
Series 23 Series 25
